Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Dasher, Dancer, Sparkle.... Glitter and Bling

There is no shortage of sparkle at Upmarket Nails - if you manage to get out with plain nails - you deserve a pat on your back!.  A little bonus this week you may receive a frighteningly fabulous frosty fancy or mince pie!

There is something funny about someone who arrives for their appointment wanting plain pale pink, who then leaves an hour and a half later with bright Christmas red and a substantial amount of bling!!!

The power of sitting next to another client and being influenced!!!

Merry Christmas to all our lovely (and future prospective) clients!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Christmas? Bah Humbug Avril! Baubles are in position!

I really hate Christmas me, Av said to Miraed, and I really hate doing Christmas nail art, Avril continued.  

The irony was not lost on the fact it was still November when Miraed came in, and her Christmas nail appointment was in fact another three weeks away, at least one week before Christmas!

Whilst looking in Rose’s nail art drawer (whilst she was out), Av spotted some sparkly stars….

Alessandro Velvet Taupe with sparkly stars!
Lightbulb moment – "I’ll use those on Miread (who incidentally had no say in the matter)”!  

Not content with having to do the ordering, the tax, the banking and publicity, Rose is now looking for snowflakes so that Av can do one less job, that of learning how to paint them!